
Property consultancy

RoomerRemix helps you optimise the return on your investment. You naturally want to invest as little time and money as possible in your property. We can take care of that for you. We will make every effort to match supply (location, building and interior design) to demand (organisation, work processes, service and expectation for the future). In the best interests of the end users of the property as well as of the developers and contractors. With the best collective result as ultimate goal.

Why engage our services?

  • For a long-term property and accommodation strategy
  • For a clear analysis of your property portfolio
  • For feasibility analyses of your plans
  • For advice on the new way of working
  • For a clear schedule of requirements for the accommodation (functionally, spatially, technically and visually attractive)
  • For technical guidance on entering leasing contracts (no brokerage)
  • To perform location studies